"You Can Have The
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Their Partners Are In Ecstasy." Call it a gadget, or call it gizmo - but the Kegelmaster2000 is being hailed as a "miracle" in bedrooms around the world!I am on my way to being the sex goddess to my hubby!! I have to say, he has been faithful, tolerant, and loving towards me for the last 16 years since I had our really big baby (8 lbs. 8 oz.) and then our other baby (7 lbs. 8 ozs) 14 months later. I know I was really stretched out. I am a small woman in size, and since then, always felt much bigger vaginally for my stature. My gynecologist (a woman even) only kept telling me to do my kegels. She really never explained much about it, she just told me to squeeze down there.
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